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Ticket prices include participation in the two day conference at the Marriott Hotel in Candado, San Juan, and all meals and refreshments provided during the conference. Tickets for the Homer Microgrid Training are separate from the tickets for conference registration.
Registration Cost
Industry Professionals
Regular (January 27th-30th): $275
Last-Minute (January 31st-Feb 1st): $300
Nonprofits, Government, and Academic
Regular (January 26th-30th): $100
Last-Minute (January 31st-Feb 1st): $125
Homer Microgrid Design Training (Separate cost. Feb. 1st-2nd)
Industry Professionals Regular: $275
Nonprofits, Government, and Academic Regular: $30
Note: HOMER Microgrid participants should have active licenses of HOMER software loaded onto their computers, and bring their computers with them to the training. Licenses can be purchased here.
Registration for the conference is limited to the first 100 participants who register. If you have questions, please contact us at summit@prseia.org

Puerto Rico's Campaign to Protect Solar
Net Metering lets people with solar panels send extra electricity they generate back to the grid in exchange for credits. These credits can then be used to offset their future electricity bills. The policy is the primary driver for renewable energy, with solar installed across over 125,000 rooftops already on the island.
Protect Your Right to Use Solar Energy in Puerto Rico - Sign the Petition to Defend Net Metering!
Gabel Associates, Inc. Study
The purpose of this Report is for Gabel Associates, Inc. (Gabel) to provide an independent analysis (Report or Gabel Report) of the full range of benefits provided by distributed solar energy in Puerto Rico as interconnected via the island’s current Net Metering laws and policies. These estimates of benefits provide a basis for setting the solar net metering credit in a way that is fair to customers, including both those with net metered solar and those without, and provides a framework for evaluation of the merits of the net metering program moving forward in an effective manner
English Version:
Spanish Version:

Net Metering Defense Timeline: The Battle for Puerto Rico's Solar Future
2007: The Dawn of Net Metering in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico boldly steps into the renewable energy arena, passing its pioneering Net Metering law. This law promises true Net Metering with annual true-up for systems up to a whopping 5MW, lighting the path to a cleaner, greener future.
2019: The Ambitious Law 17-2019
Puerto Rico dreams big with Law 17-2019, aiming for 100% renewable energy. It includes a potential sunset date of 2024 for Net Metering, assuming the island reaches 40% renewable energy. The countdown begins!
January 10, 2024: A New Hope with Law 10-2024
In a unanimous victory, Law 10-2024 is signed by the Governor, shifting the potential sunset date for Net Metering to 2030. The renewable energy community rejoices, seeing a brighter future ahead.
April 10: FOMB’s Controversial Gambit
The Financial Oversight & Management Board of Puerto Rico (FOMB) throws a curveball, issuing a scathing letter. They pressure the Energy Bureau to continue a controversial study evaluating the immediate end of Net Metering, despite the new law's protections. They even threaten to ask a federal court to annul Law 10-2024 completely. The battle intensifies.
May 2: FOMB’s Ultimatum
FOMB doubles down, demanding Puerto Rico file a bill to repeal or amend Law 10-2024 by May 7 and pass it by
May 17: Congressional Reinforcements
A battalion of 21 members of Congress, including heavyweights like Congressman Raul Grijalva, Resident Commissioner Jennifer Gonzalez, Congresswomen Nydia Velazquez and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Senators Sanders, Markey, and Heinrich, issue a strongly worded letter to FOMB. They demand FOMB reverse their attack on Net Metering. FOMB remains silent, but the pressure mounts.
May 20: Environmental Allies Rally
A coalition of 15 US and Puerto Rico-based environmental and clean energy nonprofits, led by SESA, sends a letter to the White House. They plead with President Biden to appoint six new FOMB members who support solar energy and battery storage in Puerto Rico. No official response yet, but follow-up calls and meetings confirm the White House is on it.
June 18: FOMB’s Public Relations Spin
FOMB issues a public statement, claiming they are not against Net Metering. They argue that the Energy Bureau of Puerto Rico should be immune from any government laws, labeling the legislature's actions as "political interference." The renewable energy community calls foul.
June 19: SESA’s Media Blitz
SESA launches a full-throttle media campaign, including billboards, radio, TV, and print ads. They call out FOMB for their disingenuous statements and urge them to stop attacking Puerto Ricans' ability to protect themselves with solar and storage. The airwaves buzz with the fight for energy justice.
June 30: Legislative Defiance
In a show of unity, no legislator files any bills to amend or repeal Law 10-2024. The legislature stands firm, protecting Net Metering until 2030. The renewable energy advocates cheer in solidarity.
Today: The threat to annul the Net Metering law looms large.
As the battle for Net Metering rages on, Puerto Rico's renewable energy advocates stand united against FOMB’s attempts to dismantle their progress. The future of solar energy on the island hangs in the balance, but the determination to protect and promote a sustainable energy future remains unwavering.
Articles about Net Metering being under attack

April 11th: Future of Puerto Rico's Net Metering program up in the air
April 15th: Governor asks for more time to respond to April 10th letter (Spanish)
April 16th: Puerto Rico’s solar net metering law at risk from federal oversight board
April 16th: How much are the benefits of net metering? Study of solar companies calculated it
April 18th: Noticel article explaining the FOMB situation (Spanish)
April 18th: SEIA tweet
April 18th: Lime and sand before the change in the net metering law (Spanish)
May 6th: SESA calls for new FOMB members
—> SESA LinkedIIn story, English translation
—> Print version of original story
May 6th: SESA calls upon Biden to name new FOMB members (Spanish)
May 6th: Organizations collect signatures to demand that net metering legislation not be repealed (Spanish)
May 13th: New Fortress Energy establishes a goal for increased use of natural gas
May 14th: Two approaches to save net metering in Puerto Rico
May 14th: Saving net metering from the attacks of the Board: SESA's priority in Puerto Rico (Spanish)
May 17th: Link to actual Congressional Sign on letter
May 17th: El Nuevo Dia, 21 Senators and Congresspeople send letter to FOMB.
—> English Version
May 17th: Common Dreams - US Lawmakers Sound Alarm Over Threat to Rooftop Solar in Puerto Rico
May 20th: Puerto Rico’s rooftop solar boom is at risk, advocates warn
May 20th: US lawmakers urge fiscal board not to interfere with net metering
May 20th: PJ LinkedIn post blaming FOMB board, not the Executive Director, Mujica
June 4: SESA warns the Fiscal Board that it is not time to change the Net Metering Program (Spanish)
June 4: Hispanic Federation letter to the White House.
June 14: SESA asks FOMB to stop attack on Net Metering, in light of massive blackouts
Citizen Petitions
MoveOn Campaign - Gabriel de Paz