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Ticket prices include participation in the two day conference at the Marriott Hotel in Candado, San Juan, and all meals and refreshments provided during the conference. Tickets for the Homer Microgrid Training are separate from the tickets for conference registration.
Registration Cost
Industry Professionals
Regular (January 27th-30th): $275
Last-Minute (January 31st-Feb 1st): $300
Nonprofits, Government, and Academic
Regular (January 26th-30th): $100
Last-Minute (January 31st-Feb 1st): $125
Homer Microgrid Design Training (Separate cost. Feb. 1st-2nd)
Industry Professionals Regular: $275
Nonprofits, Government, and Academic Regular: $30
Note: HOMER Microgrid participants should have active licenses of HOMER software loaded onto their computers, and bring their computers with them to the training. Licenses can be purchased here.
Registration for the conference is limited to the first 100 participants who register. If you have questions, please contact us at summit@prseia.org
Energy Policy is Our Business We fight for policies in Puerto Rico which will tangibly benefit the collective of all solar and energy storage companies working on the island. Our team of top organizers, strategists and communications specialists work tirelessly to ensure that solar and energy storage will emerge as dominant technologies during this period of energy transformation for the island. By becoming a member, you can ensure that your voice is heard in this critical time as we work to craft the future of Puerto Rico's energy policies.
We Foster Collaboration and New Partnerships We can provide your company with opportunities for interaction with an extensive network of solar and storage companies, financiers, energy experts and policymakers both from the island and around the world who can offer your company the connections you need to make the next big steps to grow your business. Our industry conferences will provide you with exclusive access to some of the most important networking events on the island, and our member meetings will ensure that you'll be familiar and friendly with the other major players in your industry on the island.
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Networking Opportunities at our general-membership meetings, by serving on committees, and through our conferences.
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